Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Jujitsu for the abused 2: A message to encourage you in your darkest hour

" Author: The Bible Why Guy
Title: Encouragement for your darkest hour
Plot: A podcast for a time such as this
Notes: You will also learn how to praise, glorify and worship God, better!

Listen to "Encouragement for your darkest hour" on Spreaker.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Jujitsu for the Abused 1: Your attitude is your source of power (so guard it)!

Author: The Bible Why Guy
Title: Abuse Ninjutsu 1: Your attitude is your source of power (so amplify it)!
Plot: A podcast of hope, encouragement, and empowermen for victims of abuse
Notes: With clear advise on how to proceed with God's help

Listen to "Abuse Ninjutsu 1 (Your attitude is your source of power (so amplify it)!" on Spreaker.

Sinners in the hands of an angry God (a wakeup call)

Author:  Jonathan Edwards Title:  Sinners in the hands of an angry God Plot:  A message of warning for those who haven’t received Christ N...